Hello! :)
My favourite piece of technology is notebook. my mother give me on September, because I need it for to study.
I don`t like technology very much, but I love the notebook! It is a very important piece technology. You can do a lot things whit it. You can Listen to music, watch movies, to make jobs,
video plays and chat. I like chat, because you can met people from other people and to communicate whith your friends.
I don`t like technology very much, but I love the notebook! It is a very important piece technology. You can do a lot things whit it. You can Listen to music, watch movies, to make jobs,
video plays and chat. I like chat, because you can met people from other people and to communicate whith your friends.
In my notebook, I have saved nintendo Mario Bros. I like it very much. it is very funny. Last summer I always played Mario Bros all day, but now I don`t play because I don`t have time.
In this moment, the notebook is in all world. It is in the office, school and the house. The notebook help us to do a lot things. You can be in all places at the same time!
My life whitout computers and internet, would be boring. Although you could do other activities, how sports or travell .
If there wasn`t computers other fantasic piece technology would exist.
Cony :=)