Tuesday, May 12, 2009



I am going to talk about my favourite web site...

I haven`t one favourite web site, but I really like facebook. It is a Site web where you can communicate with your family and your friends and even can find people that you didn`t see since you was children.

In facebook, you can upload photos and videos, to answers funny test, to public notes, to comment photos and to send messages. You can make many anything.

On 2007, I discevered facebook, when a cousin told me its. He said: " I have Facebook", so I asked him, What it is facebook? Cesar answered me than it was a web site where you can public your things and do new friends. At that moment, I didn`t like Facebook, because I don`t like the web site where you say yourself.

After, I known all my friends have Facebook!. Then I created my account. Since then, I always visit it because it is really very funny and intersting. You know all life of your friends.. ahahaha. Even you can know their life sentimental ...ahahhaa.

Facebook, is a good tool, but it invade your privacy...Although You finally decide that things public about yourself.



  1. Constanza Faune, If you like Facebook is for one reason...

    The tittle-tattle ahhaha... Gossip Girl.

    but it's alright, All have a guilty pleasure.


  2. The best of Facebook, is that you can comunicate whit old friends!!
