Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ideal job

Hello bloggers! :D

My ideal job would be work as actress. When was a child, my dream was study theater. I was different courses and also I participated in a play called "Bood Working class" It was based in: La cantata Santa María de Iquique. This was when I studied law in PUCV.
It would my ideal job because you can express different somebody and express many feeling. I think work as actress is very difficult, because you should transmit things and the public must believe you.

I think the qualities and skills for work as actress are physical skill and be persevering. the actor must represent all the people!

This would be my ideal job because I could achieve a dream and also because I don´t like public administration. I didn´t chosen theater because I didn´t had courage for confront my family and also because I thought I don´t have enough skills. When I told my mother : Mom I like study theater! she laughed and she tell me: this only a hobby, it not a profession.

I think, the principal difficult for find a job as actress is the money, because ín Chile the actor don´t get a good salary and also the people think the art is only a hobby.

I would like a little experience: when I participated in a play called "Bood Working class". After the play finished, a woman tell me : congratulation! I love you participation. In that moment, I was very happy!!

kisses !!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Claudia´s Blog

Hello bloggers!!

Today, I am going to talk about Claudia`s blog. She is a good classmate, very studious and funny person. she always is happy!
I chosen Claudia`blog becuase I always read and comment on her post.
Especially, I will review a post where she wrote about her favourite song: "Yesterday" by the english band "The Beatles". I think that post is simple, becuase when you read it, you easily understand the post. She didn´t use a difficult vocabulary. I remember she was the most popular blogger that week.
I found the post intersting and funny, because Claudia and I share a lot of feeling when we hear Yesterday. For example, she wrote the song have a pasive, relaxing and romantic melodie and both hear music in our bedroom.

Claudia, You blog have a bright colours, the posts have a imagine, but I suggest you could add something, as videos, links,plays and pictures. Juanin is a good partner and know computing ,he could help you with that.

Bye :=)

Pd: Claudia, Yesterday is a excellent song, but "Nothing else matters" by Metallica is better. I recommend you hear it...

Thursday, June 11, 2009 and creativity...

hello bloggers!!

Today, I am going to talk about a video that I saw in Internet. It was an interview to: Sir KEn RoBInson, who is a leader ind a leader in the development of creativity and innovation.
I could undertsand that Ken Robinson told his theory using his experence life.
He says that creativity now is very important on education, because it allows develop and the education also because we don´t know that will happen in the future.
At the schools especially teach things as math,language and humanities but in this places should teach music and art because de children could develop their competence.

Ken Robinson says: the children have many talent but there aren´t a place around the world where the children can learn to dance everyday.
I thing-the sports and the arts for the people develop their personality- Today the boss looking for leaders or persons who can express their emotions. they don´t want a shy persons taht only can use the computer...

I hoppe the education system change adding new method for creativy develop.

byee :D

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chilean Politics

Hello Bloggers!!
I really don´t like politic. BUt If I could Change one thing in Chilean Politic, it would be the government system.

This is a difficult topic, because is very connected with the Chilean mentality. I thing that Chile couldn´t have this form of government because we have deeply-rooted the presidential system.

When I studied the Parliamentary System I can see it have Majority representation of the society because the political decision are taked by different political faction represented in the parliament and it also it have a better capacity to respond faced serious government problem, because the parliament can change the head of s government though motion of censorship.

The advantages the Parliamentary System are the disadvantages the presidential system. I think in Chile there is a Bipartite because the political decision is taked between two covenant and Chile have many other political parties that in this moment not are being consider.

For my, the most important disadvantage of a country with presidential system is that the head of government couldn´t have support in the parliament. Difficult situation for the president can govern.

I think that set the Parliamentary system would be cause by a new mentality in the Chilean society. In addition this would take a long time because also would be necessary a constitutional reforms or maybe a new constitution.

Regards!! :=)